Prebid for iOS and Android Applications
Open source and lightweight SDKs to move beyond the waterfall
Why Prebid Mobile
Prebid improves yield for mobile app developers in the same way it does for web publishers.
Prebid Mobile works with Prebid Server, so there’s no need to make app updates for Prebid configuration or bidder changes.
Prebid Mobile’s iOS and Android SDKs are easy to integrate and small in size, so setup is a breeze.
Intro to Prebid Mobile
A high-level overview of Prebid Mobile, Prebid’s header bidding product for iOS and Android applications.
Further Reading:
- Intro to Header Bidding: Click here
- Header Bidding with Prebid: Click here
- Prebid Mobile Overview? Click here
- Getting Started with Prebid Mobile Click here

How Prebid Mobile Works
Prebid SDK supports following integration scenarios:
Custom or No mediation
When no Primary Ad Server is used. The SDK renders the winning bid immediately when it is available.w-up with you directly.
Using a Primary Ad Server.
There are three aproaches are avaliable for integration with primary ad server
- Original API. In this case the SDK plays a transport role of the bid from PBS to Primary ad Server where it takes place in the internal auction and the winning bid is rendered later with Prebid Universal Creative as part of Primary Ad Server Creaitve
- Rendering API Prebid SDK detects when a Prebid line item wins on the ad server and renders the cached bid in the owned Web view or Video view.
- Mediation API Prebid Adapter detects when a Prebid line item corresponds to the winning bid and renders the cached bid in the owned Web view or Video view.
In all scenarios, Prebid SDK leverages Prebid Server for demand.
Explore More from Prebid
The leading web based header
bidding solution used by
publishers worldwide
Prebid Server
Moving Prebid and Header
Bidding to the cloud for
efficiency, scale and performance
Control user
privacy and their
own data