Relevant Yield’s HB Manager is a fully standalone solution for all SSPs & Adservers, providing publishers with agnostic control of Prebid with no coding. Publishers effectively optimise sales and improve their setups while staying in control and reducing dependency on engineers. Features: enable adapters, A/B testing, activate server-side calls, build floor-price rules based on anything that is rendered on your website/app.
Relevant Yield’s HB Analytics module is a monitor and header bidding yield management tool for OpenRTB auctions. All data are in real-time and have a granularity of up to 10 minutes to help publishers be aware of their setup’s health, perform efficient A/B testing, and act on business opportunities in a timely manner. If your setup runs into any issues, the system will notify you with automatic alarms.
Relevant Yield’s HB Manager comes with a neutral Prebid wrapper that supports all Prebid products (Prebid Client & Server, Prebid Video, Prebid Mobile, Prebid UserID, AMP, etc). We also offer managed services.
Contact sales@relevant-digital.com for more information
or visit https://www.relevant-digital.com/
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